Important! Cloud EF Upgrade – 12/12/2023

Dear customer,
We hope this message finds you well.
When: Before 12/12/2023
Next Steps:
- Update firewalls and inbound connectors by adding the new ips:
Cloud E -->
Cloud F -->
You are receiving this email today because you have a spamtitan account in our Cloud EF inbound mail filter.
To prepare for this change, you need to add the new IP addresses to your before 12/12/2023.
This is part of our ongoing efforts to improve our email infrastructure and provide you with a more reliable service, we are making changes to the infrastructure changes to our email hosting platform.
Why are the IPs changing?
We are updating infrastructure and it requires us to move to new servers.
What will happen to my configurations?
Your configurations will be moved to the new server, not needing you to make changes.
What will happen to my quarantine items?
The old servers will be left running for 7 days to allow quarantine to expire.
Will I still receive quarantine reports?
Yes. After the change and while the old infrastructure is active, you may receive two quarantine reports if you have items in the old infrastructure that have not expired.
Will my login details change?
No. The configurations are going to be replicated and your login details are going to be copied as well.
Do I need to update my MX records?
Check your current MX records, they should be and, if they match, you don’t need to change them as they will be updated to point to the new IPs.
If your MX records are different you will need to change them to and to ensure a smooth process.
What is the process for this upgrade?
A backup will be taken on 11/12/2023 and imported to the new infrastructure. After the backup import, the A records will be updated to the new IPs. If you have updated your firewalls and connectors before 12/12/2023, you will not see any email delivery problems.
Our dedicated support team will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you require assistance at any point via our ticketing system at
Thank you,