SpamTitan 9.01 Upgrade – Important: please read and action

Dear Customer,
TitanHQ are delighted to announce the arrival of SpamTitan 9.01, including tons of new functionality for you.
Our release highlights include:
Our most requested feature ever - a brand, spanking new user interface! We hope you like our new look.
- Higher spam and phishing catch rates, efficacy and faster real time updating of your threat intelligence.
- Improved navigation and better administrative functions across the board.
- Easier onboarding of new users.
To register your interest in organizing your white glove upgrade fill out the short form here. Or drop a reply to this message.
Register interest
For any queries or questions relating to SpamTitan 9.01 upgrades, please email:
Best regards,
TitanHQ Team
Tel US: +1 813 304 2544
Tel UK: +44 203 808 5467