Errigal Account Creation.
1. Determine the region.
Use the below guide to find the correct region the cusotmer has requested their account to be in:
Take note on which kind of customer is it - MSP/End User.
2. Add the Account
MSP Account.
To add an MSP account, log into the chosen Errigal System using your credentials in Keeper.
Go to the Overview Tab.
Click the "Add MSP" button.
Fill in the Details as per below:
Name: Organisation name provided in the ticket form the Sales Rep.
Email: The Admin email address provided in the ticket from the Sales Rep.
Description: "MSP Account"
Password: Autogenerate a password using Keeper and paste as a note in the ticket so you do not forget it.
Once this is filled in click "Add MSP"
Once the account is created reply to the Ticket in Fresh Service using the "Errigal Account Creation" Canned Response.
Please ensure you fill in the relevant details.
End User Account.
If this account you need to create is an end user account you need to create this under the TitanHQ MSP account.
Log into the selected region.
From the drop down menu, find the TitanHQ MSP Account.
To go into the TitanHQ MSP account, click on this account from the Drop down menu.
In this Account click "Add Customer" in the Overview Tab.
Fill in the details as below:
Account Name: Organisation name given in ticket by the Sales Rep
Email: Admin email given in the ticket by the Sales Rep
Description: End User Account.
Password: Generate Password using Keeper.
License: Put in the seat number - if this has been taken already, add in a 0 before the number.
License Count: Seat number given in the ticket.
Content Category Protection Level: Always give the Optimum selection - this can be changed by the customer during onboarding.
Timezone: Use the default system level timezone - Again this can be change by the customer during onboarding.
Click "Add Customer".
Send the canned response for Errigal Account Creation and fill in the relevant details.