ArcTitan T2 (MSP) Account
This account enables the MSP the sell ArcTitan Accounts to their own Users.
To begin first log in to the relevant Arctitan T1 Account.
When an account is created here is can be logged into under the T2 URL.
There are currently 5 Regions we do this for
-- These 3 are on Solar Archive
EU - Europe
US - United States
UK- United Kingdom
-- These two are on the old Cryoserver
CA - Canada
AU - Australia
Log in Credentials are on Last Pass. if you are having trouble logging in double-check the URL is exactly as above and manually copy the Password and Log in from Last Pass.
When Logged in select add company
Then add in the details
The Tag should be provided, but if not use the company name or an acronym if appropriate.
The Tag Should be appended by _reseller
e.g A company called Technology would have the tag technoolgy_reseller
or a company called Information Technology Company could be called ITC_reseller
After you select Save you will need to create an account under the Company.
Go to the Company and select user accounts.
Select Add New User
The Manager User Name is what the Customer will use to log in.
Call this the same at the tag.
Take note of the password to send the Customer
Use the email address provided by sales
Remember to tick Enable User
Now the customer can log in at the relevant T2 URL with the Account and password you have just created.
Test the password by trying to log-in.
Instructions on how to add a company account can be found here.