ArcTitan T3 Account.
Start by logging in as SU the relevant ArcTitan sever Via the links below
There are currently 5 Regions we do this for
-- These 3 are on Solar Archive
EU - Europe
US - United States
UK- United Kingdom
-- These two are on the old Cryoserver servers - The UI will be a little different but the process will be the same.
If the links for these two don't render, copy the URL into a regular chrome browser, they sometimes fail to open when coming directly from freshdesk
CA - Canada
AU - Australia
Under Company select Add New Company
You will be presented with the following screen.
Tag - The company tag should be provided but if not use the company or an acronym.
Warning: the Tag must be at least 3 characters long and less than 16 characters.
If there are too many characters in the tag the Company won't create when you select save and the screen will just hang.
Company Name - Enter as provided by sales
Solr Collection - There is only one option Default but it must be selected it will not default to this.
DB Server - Again only one option but it is already selected
Contact - Enter as provided by Sales.
Contact Email - Enter as provided by Sales, this will automatically populate one of the Email domain(s) fields with the email's domain
Contact Phone - Enter if provided but not necessary. Enter N/A if none porvided.
Email domain(s) - The first field will be populated with the domain of the contact email. Any extra domains should provide by Sales
Administrator - Warning this is not optional
If the admin account isn't created you will have to create it manually otherwise there will be no admin account for the customer to log in with.
Username should be in the format companytag_admin
Password Generate a password from LastPass.
Email use the Contact Email here as well
Data Guardians - enter the Contact Email in this field and select Add
Licenses User Limit - set limit if provided
Once all details have been entered select save
This is what the form should look like when completed
Test the account by logging into the admin account using the relevant URL
Note the below URL is different than the ones above at the start of this guide
User: Company_tag_admin
Pass: password_generated_from_keeper
Email the customer/Sales agent back with these details